
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The exploding coke ZERO!!

My task was to write about the coke and mentos experiment!!

The exploding coke ZERO!!

It was one exciting sunny but cold, day in Wigram primary school
on the Monday October 15th 2018, when I was sick playing ball
rush with the whole class (Toroa). When the game finished we
heard a whistle which Miss Mccormick blew. It was for study and
lab. I didn't get there as soon as she blew it because I ran to
pop my jersey in my bag. I ran there and saw coke. I was
thinking about that study and lab were going to drink but there
was not enough. So I was confused. Then I saw mentos as soon
as I saw it I knew what we were doing we were doing the coke
and mentos experiment/challenge. This reminds me of when I
had an opportunity to do this 3 years ago when I was a year 3.
But I was sick and I still had to write about I had to make it up.
Anyway most of the kids wanted mentos for some reason.
Miss Thomason popped one mentos into the coke at least I
think it was one because almost the whole coca cola bottle
exploded. Then Mis Thomason popped more and it was still the
same kids were going back and forward I think I just stayed
where I was. I guess coke zero has a limit to how much you
can put into it. Miss Thomason said that probably most of you
have done this at home before NOPE. Then we walked/ran to
class. And that was when I started this writing doc. WE did this
because on Thursday October 18th 2018 we were doing some
kind of writing thing. THE END!!

1 comment:

  1. This is stunning work because i see that you have put a lot of effort in to your writing maybe next time you could add what it looked like one time i saw daniel doing it bye


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