
Friday, November 23, 2018

A&P Show why you should go there

The Christchurch A&P show is one of the places you don’t want to miss. The show is only hosted once a year for one week I think because it’s called cup and show week and they have a holiday with it. You can view the stinky pigs and and feed the fluffy lambs and sheep. You can watch awesome people do horse races and make horses do obstacle there is a lot of poop around the horse area. You can touch the horses in a place. You can watch amazing people do amazing stunts with motorbike. You can gather free stuff including jelly beans and fake tattoos and fans. You can get free chips play mini golf pretend to be in an circus. Ride on sweet rides buy food and more. You can watch people to lumberjack races (who can cut the tree the fastest). The fake tattoos are dogs fish strawberry and more. You can get fans. There’s this slippery playground with slippery monkey bars and slippery ropes! You can listen to people sing. So that’s why you should go to the A&P show. There’s even more things to explore, even I have not checked everything out. HAVE FUN.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Africa Hello and Do you speak English?

1. Hello > Hallo
2. Thank you > Dankie.
3. Do you speak English? > Praat jy Engels?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Facts about South Africa By Nolan!!

Today I am going to tell you facts about South Africa!!

1. The name of the capital city is Pretoria!!

2. The population of the capital city is 2.125m people. (2014 couldn't find the answer for 2018).

3. In January, the weather of the capital city is usually 14 degrees.

4. The capital is located  in south Africa.

5. The language most commonly spoken is Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. Most people speak more than one language.

Thank you for checking this out!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The exploding coke ZERO!!

My task was to write about the coke and mentos experiment!!

The exploding coke ZERO!!

It was one exciting sunny but cold, day in Wigram primary school
on the Monday October 15th 2018, when I was sick playing ball
rush with the whole class (Toroa). When the game finished we
heard a whistle which Miss Mccormick blew. It was for study and
lab. I didn't get there as soon as she blew it because I ran to
pop my jersey in my bag. I ran there and saw coke. I was
thinking about that study and lab were going to drink but there
was not enough. So I was confused. Then I saw mentos as soon
as I saw it I knew what we were doing we were doing the coke
and mentos experiment/challenge. This reminds me of when I
had an opportunity to do this 3 years ago when I was a year 3.
But I was sick and I still had to write about I had to make it up.
Anyway most of the kids wanted mentos for some reason.
Miss Thomason popped one mentos into the coke at least I
think it was one because almost the whole coca cola bottle
exploded. Then Mis Thomason popped more and it was still the
same kids were going back and forward I think I just stayed
where I was. I guess coke zero has a limit to how much you
can put into it. Miss Thomason said that probably most of you
have done this at home before NOPE. Then we walked/ran to
class. And that was when I started this writing doc. WE did this
because on Thursday October 18th 2018 we were doing some
kind of writing thing. THE END!!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

My blooms task for Wk 9

1. Boy
2. Other boy
3. Ms Franjoy
4. Greg
5. Jack

This week we are reading Desk rat. This story is about a rat
stuck in a boys desk. The boys got back at 6:30 from Sunfrider.
They had a new teacher named Ms Franjoy. She brings a pet rat
for the class the students takes turns looking after it. The whole
class had to clean their desk. The boy had to share news. He
told them about Sunfrider. Then the rat got stuck in the boys
desk because the rat was looking for a old sandwich. Ms
Franjoy called the fire brigade, and they chop the desk with a
chainsaw. THE END

What am I?
1. I am an animal.
2. I am medium in size.
3. People hate me.
4. I am living.
5. I am fast.
6. I am related to a mouse.
Do you know what am I?
I am a rat.

They got a class pet.
The rat got stuck
It was a hot and sunny day.
Everyone was happy.
There was old desk.
They were going to sunfrider.

After the rat got stuck everyone was happy and the main boy
took it home. Dad and the boy went to the shops to buy rat
food. They fed the rat and took care of it soon it was eventually
that they have to return it back. They fixed the desk after going
to mitre 10. On Monday they returned home the pet home the
boy told them the story. Everyone thought he was was the
coolest kid ever for some reason. The end.


I rate this text a 4 out of 10, because I don’t really get it with the
yo Jack and stuff.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Private and personal information.


Your putting yourself in danger, because people will find where you live, or even hack you and rob you!!
So all gotta do do is stop it get some help if you can’t stop.

Revealing your address is putting yourself in danger people can find out where you live and steal your money.

Trying to put private information on the internet? STOP!!

You know anyone could hack you, so don’t tell anyone your email or password, or you will get hacked even on games don’t reveal anything, or they will pretend to be you.

Don’t reveal your full name.

So don’t reveal you email or password to anyone or this will happen, what I found out is Guy fawkes is the anonymous illuminati.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Nolan's family tree!!

My family tree unfinished. It's really my fault I'm not finish because I don't know how to spell my other family members names I know there names but don't know how to spell their names what could I change the presentation to make it better like changing the background of it.

Royal Family Work!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Facts about me!!

Hi my name is Nolan

I enjoy playing games and stuff like handball and four square. I play that like almost everyday at school and at home. The games I enjoy a lot more is video games. My favourite game is ROBLOX,

It's so fun. My favourite games on Roblox are Jailbreak, Murder mystery 2 (MM2), Mining simulator. I love the simulator games on Roblox like Mining simulator bee swarm simulator, Cash grab simulator, and others. I also like watching games on YouTube. My favourite youtuber channel is Ant.

If  you enjoy my blog post so much make sure to follow me I'm not forcing you to do this but if you do the following thing is (Not finished).

Friday, June 15, 2018


Planning your own poem
Now write your poem here


There was a person named NOT ME!! His black hair goes down all the way to the bottom of his boring face. He blames stuff on people, and he has black clothes. His eyes are as silver as a olympic silver medal, with black pupils. His breath smells like has hasn't brushed his teeth in ages, he always eats pizza so his breath smells like pizza. He moves as lazy as the ROBLOX goofy animation, he is as slow as a turtle. His touch is as stinky as a trash can, he usually carries, a PS4, computer, Ipad, phone, Xbox one, nintendo switch, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PS1, and he carries four controllers for PS and Xbox. His voice sounds like a lazy surfer and he says come play games with me.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The way of the world flicking between information!!

Using the focus text and everything that is in the Ladder Resource box, show that you have read and understand them by answering the questions below or providing evidence.

Remember to link your copy of the doc. Into your group work slide.

  1. In one of the resources that has been given to you this week it talks about an instrument called the ‘Bonang’.
  • Where does this instrument come from? It comes from Indonisia.
  • In your own words, explain how it is used. It is played like a drum but it is not a drum it has different sounds with these drums.
  • Find an image of the Bonang being used and put it in the box below

Image result for bonang instruments being used

A Bonang being used.

2. When reading our Focus Text, The Way of the World, it talks about a range of different instruments and what is used to play them.
Name 6 different things that the students decided to play music with. The first one is done for you.
  • Pumpkin Stalk.
  • Combs.
  • Tissue.
  • Paper.
  • Flax.
  • Bamboo.

3.  In your own words - who is Lorde? A 21 year old famous singer.

4. In your own words - who is Ed Sheeran? A 27 year old famous singer.

5. Do you think Music is important? Why/why not? Music is not that important because it really doesn't help you with anything.

6.  Using Youtube, find your favourite song and link it below. Explain why it is your favourite song at the moment, not just because it sounds good, think about it! A couple of sentences to explain is great!
Sick boy by The chainsmokers I like it  because, it has a good sound level, good lyrics, and I could sing all day (well I use to).

7.  What was each of the musicians first albums that they released? The Orange Room EP. (Ed Sheeran). Pure Heroine. (Lorde)

Friday, June 8, 2018


Your goal is to create at least one metaphor with a picture. You
can work with a buddy.

Write your Metaphor here:

Daniel: 1. Timmy is taller than a pole.

Nolan: 2. Jack is shorter than a mouse.

Image result for pole

Insert the meaning of your metaphor and a picture.

Daniel: Timmy was very tall.

Nolan: Jack is small.
Image result for mouse


Thursday, March 29, 2018


An embarrassing story going to the beach swimming!!

It was November 20 when I was packing up my red clothes
and swimming togs to go to the Bloomer beach. On  Bloomer
beach they doing a fun day they only do this once a year on
20 November. Finally we finished packing up our gear we got
in the car, I spirited as fast as a Bugatti veyron to to the car.
I was with my friends and family, my parents  drove there it
was about 30k away, finally we were there, first thing we did
was explore, we saw a sign that there was fireworks at 8:58 am
all the children ask “can we see the fireworks” “fine” reply the
parents, and others. We walked to get some food after that we
walked to go to the changing room of course I walked to the
boys changing room. I pop on my red swimming shorts they're
had an skull design on it. First we swam in the blue ocean just
to leave the best for last, the reason why I hate swimming in the
ocean is that the water all dirty and salty, and you get thirsty
faster if you drink it YIKES. I did drink about 5 cm of it. Finally
we walked to the hot pools it was NICE, after that we had to
get out 4 hours in the pool whoa. When I walked in I could not
find my bag, wait what SOMEONE STOLE MY BLACK BAG
and laugh I WAS MAD. Well if I can’t find them I will just try to
find it when I walked out then I saw my bag, oh no I am SO
MAD, I can’t swim, once I tried at school when I was 6 I kept
sinking, still now I’m better I guess... But I still sink.
(True fact about me). Still I had to go out I ran across the
beach as fast as a raging bull, I was in the wet water I was
running slower and slower as I kept running, soon it was up to
my knees, I began jumping high as a white fluffy bunny rabbit,
I was jumping less higher and more lower, now it was up to my
hips, I went charging rage ran but it was no use, my friends and
my family got change “Hey shouted my dad come back or you
will soon... I tripped over trip” and that’s why I hate swimming in
ocean and the water getting salty, (true fact about me). It was up
to my arms now my parents chasing me saying COME BACK
COME BACK, then, I thought to myself it just a bag but it has
my clothes the water was up to my shoulders, I should give up
then a wave slam at my togs and on to me, oh I HATE THE
SEA. A few hours later I woke up in bed, at my house all my
friends and family were watching me I told I had the craziest
dream it felt real then I felt warm  WOW!!. Whoa whoa whoa
I forgot about the fireworks, yeah their came in red yellow and
all sorts of color. THE END.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Monday, March 12, 2018

Work in progress character Description!! For the past week I have been working on writing a character description check out where I am at so far!

  1. His name was Sam Cordaz Ding.
  2. His skin was normal as any other person (skin well mostly).
  3. His tuxedo was long as a cape.
  4. He was holding the ultimate heavy wand.
  5. He has the most toothy shiny teeth you'll ever see.
  6. He has the most shiny lucky armour.
  7. His hair was a dark as the sea.
  8. He has a