Just Busking
Make a copy of this document and remember to put it in your Reading Folder!
Please make sure that you write your answers to the questions in FULL SENTENCES
2. What does the crazy old country guy set up? His ten-tonne amp at the bank corner.
3. What does the world timidly mean? It means a manner of bravery and confidence.
4. What does Tau play? He plays a guitar.
5. What does his brother play? He plays drums.
6. What is uncle wearing? A suit and a white shirt.
7. Why do you think people busk? Because maybe they enjoy it.
8. Where is Bob Marley from? Jamaica.
9. What happened to the man on the street? He just died.
10. What did the the children do when they realised something was wrong with the man on the street? Bring him to the jeans shop.