
Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Independent Learn Task: Dead Car Clean-Up Make a copy of this document and complete the task! Please answer these questions in full sentences, not just one word answers! What is the school that is spoken about in the text? It is Punaruku school. 2. Where is the school? It is at Whangaruru Harbour. 3. For years what have people been dumping and where? Dead cars at Whangaruru Harbour. 4. What did the local schools and community groups hold? A special environmental education. 5. What were the ideas that the students came up with? It costs 120$ to get a car towed to the wreckers it’s cheaper to just dump it. 6. What were the effects on dumping having on the environment? It attracts rats and possums, which destroy our native birds and plant life. 7. Who offered their help as a community project? The Royal New Zealand Air Force. 8. What did the principal of the school and some senior students do? They went round the local area with cans and marked a large X on the cars that people wanted to take them away. 9. What reporter came and interviewed some of the students? A TV3 reporter. 10. What is next for the students of the school? The students now have a lot more info about the problem of dumped cars and what they do to the environment.


  1. good job i like that the costs is 120$ to get your car towed

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    2. Thank you and why do you like it well I guess it's a pretty good price.

  2. nolan i like how you did a play but where is your piktochart anyways hope you feel better and also keep going never give up

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Was that the time I had chicken pox? But anyway thank you!! and I have my pikochart posted.


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