
Thursday, September 20, 2018

My blooms task for Wk 9

1. Boy
2. Other boy
3. Ms Franjoy
4. Greg
5. Jack

This week we are reading Desk rat. This story is about a rat
stuck in a boys desk. The boys got back at 6:30 from Sunfrider.
They had a new teacher named Ms Franjoy. She brings a pet rat
for the class the students takes turns looking after it. The whole
class had to clean their desk. The boy had to share news. He
told them about Sunfrider. Then the rat got stuck in the boys
desk because the rat was looking for a old sandwich. Ms
Franjoy called the fire brigade, and they chop the desk with a
chainsaw. THE END

What am I?
1. I am an animal.
2. I am medium in size.
3. People hate me.
4. I am living.
5. I am fast.
6. I am related to a mouse.
Do you know what am I?
I am a rat.

They got a class pet.
The rat got stuck
It was a hot and sunny day.
Everyone was happy.
There was old desk.
They were going to sunfrider.

After the rat got stuck everyone was happy and the main boy
took it home. Dad and the boy went to the shops to buy rat
food. They fed the rat and took care of it soon it was eventually
that they have to return it back. They fixed the desk after going
to mitre 10. On Monday they returned home the pet home the
boy told them the story. Everyone thought he was was the
coolest kid ever for some reason. The end.


I rate this text a 4 out of 10, because I don’t really get it with the
yo Jack and stuff.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Private and personal information.


Your putting yourself in danger, because people will find where you live, or even hack you and rob you!!
So all gotta do do is stop it get some help if you can’t stop.

Revealing your address is putting yourself in danger people can find out where you live and steal your money.

Trying to put private information on the internet? STOP!!

You know anyone could hack you, so don’t tell anyone your email or password, or you will get hacked even on games don’t reveal anything, or they will pretend to be you.

Don’t reveal your full name.

So don’t reveal you email or password to anyone or this will happen, what I found out is Guy fawkes is the anonymous illuminati.